Emi's first makeup tutorial

Hi gals!
Just like Lea mentioned in the blog post before this one, I was doing a makeup tutorial and here it is! ^^ As you can see it kind of failed at times, but mistakes are to be learned from!
And since I am a complete NOOB at iMovie I did some mistakes, bit at least I know how to do everything now^^

Hope you all like it.

Here are some pics of the makeup and the outfit that I had on that day, and please tell me if you would like me to do a tutorial on my curls^^

Well that is all, here is some photo spamming!^^

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4 conversations

  1. I would literally DIE for your hair. But then again, I'd be dead. xD

    Lovely tuto! But it would have been better if you zoomed out a bit, sometimes you did something and it went out of the picture... But all in all loved the style and your curls were so pretty! <3

    1. Haha, thank you><
      I know, when I was watching it I was just like "FUUU!!!! why did it turn out like that!?" But I will try my best to let that not happen again!XD
      Thank you I really love doing those curls, it takes such a short time, so I can even doing it when I have little time to catche the bus in the morningxD


  2. Love it, your eyes look huge :O
    I'll try it as soon as I get better eyelashes (mine are kinda cheap :P)

    Thank you for the tuto!

    p.s.: I was going to say what Yua said about the zoon, but nevermind, she said it already xD

    1. Thank you><
      The ones I used are really cheap, got about 40 lower pairs for 2 dollars>< You should check them out on ebay, they packaging is white and they are really easy to find^^

