First day of summer+ Icelandic band+ the usual camwhoringxD

Hi gals!
Today is the first day of summer, I do not know if it is everywhere, but there is always a day here in Iceland that we say that is the first day of summer, whether the weather agrees or not!xD

So today we went to a kind of a fundraising for people with psychological illnesses, but they where having a cafe called "The crazy cafe" xD
There where also a lot of paintings that they where selling, and we got to se an act from a play and then a "band" played, I do not remember their name, but the singer used to be in a band named "Valdimar"(Named after the singer), but they either quit or are on a hiatus.
I acctually recorded it when they played, but either I am too impatient, or the video just takes such a long time to upload...but I give up for now, but I will try to upload them here some time later!^^

Oh! and on the first day of summer you often get gifts! our mom gave us striped thights, coin purses and a lollipopxD ^^

ah! also! we went shopping for dinner afterwards, but it so happens that there has opened a new pet store in the same house, but the other day Lea went there and told me tha there were such cute bunnies there!!! and I SO wanted to see them, so I went straight away into the store, and my mom and sister after me....giggling.....they had been lying to me...D: no bunnies...

I so LOVE this picture!<3

It is obvious that owls are really popular!
The act that they showed, they also sang with other people^^
The day started well...then suddenly it started raining and then snowing....D:
But the weather has gotten better now!
And let the scamwhoring begin!!!xD

My cutie pie, Yano!!!
Love him SOO much!<3<3

(But as you can see, he doesn't really like it when I take pictures of him....xD)

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5 conversations

  1. ohh I'm so jealous, your days seem so fun!

    Come to my city, there's a petshop near the dance academy I attend that has looots of cute bunnies, I can't have one, so I always stop there to pet them a bit xD


    1. It was pretty nice^^
      awwww... I want to see>.< I love bunnies, they are so fluffy and cute<3
      awww.... why can't you have one?


    2. I love bunnies too *o* but I already have a very jealous ginger cat, that will never accept to share the house and the attentions with a bunny x___x'


    3. We have two cats><
      Cats are my favorite animals<3


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