Japan trip~ pt 3

Here's part 3~ ><

A statue in our uncle's garden^^
At the train station~
yay, eating bentou in the shinkansen><
The Golden Pavilion is so beautiful!!!><
Eating melon icecream, so good~
It was so hot outside!!!
At the gates to Nijo castle, that old lady actually started talking to us>< xD
Then after almost finishing looking at everything in Nijo castle our mom gave up...she was to hot, but on our way to the hotel our uncle called and we went to meet him at Yasaka shrine^^
We walked up a narrow road from Yasaka shrine where all these old traditional shops were
Went into a organic cafe and met the owners that where really interested in our uncle's business^^
So cute~
I think there was a festival going on at the same time that we were in Kyoto
Traditional hair pins, we bought some, they are so pretty><
We then got hungry and went to a restaurant^^
haha, our dessert, so smallxD
We then went to Gion and saw some Maiko, I think we were so lucky, since we saw so many of them! o:

Well I think this is enough for now!><
In next part will show you some pictures from Nara^^

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6 conversations

  1. Wow! Everything looks so fun~ : D It must be so fun there!

    1. hehe~ everything was so much fun, even the train rides :P


  2. You two girls looks so
    cute! And what a amazing
    I want to see real
    geisha's c:


    1. thank you<3
      it was a great trip, and we were so lucky to see geisha's >.<
      hope you'll be able to see them one day!


  3. OMGGG SO JELOUSSS, i want to go there tooo Ox
    and you two look so cute <3 blonde looks goood on you both! :D


    1. wheeeeee! just go for it! it is so much fun!
      thank you! but we can't imagine going back to blond right now, we just grew so tired of it after having it for some years>.<'

