Japan trip~pt.1

Hi gals!^^
We have been thinking about doing post about our trip to Japan from 2010, mostly since we have been thinking about the trip so much lately, since it is getting so close until we go back to Japan!!!><

Eating Donuts at Heathrow airportxD
Believe it or not, but when we stepped out of the plain in Japan, it was like stepping into a sauna in those clothes! o:
Eating udon in mizo....we are not fans of mizo...:s
Our hotel room^^
The view from our room^^
The day that we arrived, we had to say hi to Hachiko ofcourse!^^
I miss those shopping trips....o:
The view at night
Beni....I think....xD
REALLY cheap compared to Iceland....
Happy much? xD
The lobby of the hotel o:
On our way to Odaiba^^
Our other hotel room, where going to a health fair that our uncle was organizing, 
it was held in Odaiba^^
Disney hotel^^ Although it wasn't that much like a Disney hotel....
Not that we have been to any other...xD
Haha, we actually bought the blue collar for out dog><
How cute is that!?><
At Venus Fort
Well this is probably enough for the first part....xD we are not going to drown you all in picturesxD
Until later!^^

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4 conversations

  1. Replies
    1. Thank you><
      It was so much fun!!!^^
      Although now that I look back I always think "I wish I had also done that" about some thingsxD


  2. MOAAARRRR! You guys are too adorable, and I can see it on your faces that you had a fantastic time there. You looked so happyyyy! <3

    1. haha^^ Yush~ more coming soon, please look forward to it~<3
      hehe, thank you, we had a GREAT time there!^^

