Pet Society - fb games

Hello my name is Lea and I am an facebook game addict...xD
hahahxD juuuust kidding^^
I have always been addicted to facebook games, and I have even gotten my family and friends to play a LOT of games so that I can gain something out of it, and more often than not they end up playing te game for longer than me since I tend to move on quickly to another game if I get bored xD haha, but I am always playing 2-3 games at a time^^

At the moment I play Sims Social and Pet Society the most, and well, actually Pet Society is the sole reason that I first began facebook, but I saw one girl playing it, and I just HAD to play it too... that years easter got spent on Pet Society only...-.-' (not that I regret it or anything:P)

buuuuuut, I take a lot of pictures of my pet, Hiro Chan in Pet Society and I wanted to post some of them up here^^

When I saw this adorable Alpaca family, I just knew I had to get them:*
btw, I don't spend my own money on any games, I just logged into get daily bonuses and saved for this^^

My japanese garden<3

<3 this room

my pets...-.-' they always run away...

dress up room, kind of too much going onxD

LOOOOOOVE this garden:*

I dressed Hiro up as a baby, so she had to get a nursery ;p

faery *w*
I waited so "long" to finish this harajuku photo booth, and I guess I started with too high of a expectations, since I got kinda disappointed with it. But still it is pretty cute


LOOOOVE this wig, my all time fav:*

so cuute:*

my little rainbow chef^^
Hope I dod not bore you too much with these pictures>.<

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6 conversations

  1. I play Pet Society too, it's addictive D: It's a shame I do not have too much time to play it lately. Your pet is really cute <3

    1. hahaxD so addicting! D: I've taken a few breaks from it, but it always manages to drag me back to itxD haha~x3
      aww.... to bad that you don't have much time to play it, but hopefully you can log in once a day to get some playfish cash :P

      Thank you<3 with all the new makeup kits, I am having a blast dressing up my pet^^


  2. hehehe i think any game that is addicting has to have really special graphics or is super kawaii.

  3. Oh my goodness, that game has evolved so much while I haven't been playing it D:

    1. You have to start playing it!!!
      If you want I can even give you some stuff I have lying around!xD (I give most of my stuff to my sister either wayxD)

