Final post before Japan!

It still hasn't really hit us that we are leaving for Japan in LESS THAN 8 HOURS!!!!
We really should be going to sleep, because we should be waking up in 4 hours to get ready xD
We have already packed our stuff, except for some minor things we will be using later, and we have gotten our student visa... but it still so strangex3

...and I don't know what to write..., let's just leave it at that!xD

acctually, we have been updating our ameblo a bit more regularly than this one, 
so check it out!

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10 conversations

  1. Ah!! ffff
    have fun! have a safe trip o:

  2. Im jealous of you!! For how long will you be there? ^^
    anyway, I hope you will have a great time in Japan~

    1. We will be here for a year^^ and we will definitely have fun ;P

  3. ohhhh ! ! ! ! もう行っちゃったの? ww
    have so much fun in japan !
    take lotsa pics ww ! ( i got a blogspot again w )

    1. うん、もう着いたぁ(*^_^*)
      Hehe~ we will be taking a lot of pictures:3
      Yay! We will read your posts when we have time(⌒▽⌒)

  4. Replies
    1. Haha, thank you :D but we will try to keep you updated:)

  5. how lucky of you guys to go japan! i wish i could go too :D
    hope you blog about your trip :P

    followed you xx

    1. You should go one day! Japan is an awesome place to travel in and to shop on!!! XD
      We will be blogging, first we just have to set up an internet connection in our computersx3
