Random pics from Japan

Sooo... we have to admit that we have not been good bloggers since arriving to Japan, and taking pictures has really disappeared out of our mindsxD haha...ha...ha...
but, we always have our phone with us, so here are a few random pictures.

The box from our lovely phone, a Popteen x Docomo collab <3 

Went to Harajuku<3

And this was our outfit!

Random grape juice, that acctually had some grapes or something in itxD
Cute kitty bank!!!!

 Close to our station~

 Having to wake up at 6 a.m. doesn't always make you want to put on makeupxD


 Met up with Sara Mari in Shinjuku, where we went to Alta and some game centers, also got our first Alpaca!!! (Now on our phone<3)

We got kind of bombarded by these girls one day in school, all so excited to take pictures with usxD it was hilarious, and they are all so sweet!

 foooooooooood..... the food here is so delicious, though to save money, we usually just eat at a conbinixD

And our biggest love, Liz Lisa<3
please, make your sale come sooner, we need you clothes! xD

ANNNNNNND! if you'd like to see more random pictures, please follow our instagram~ our username is emixlea and we ofcourse always put them on twitter, so you can also see them there if you don't have instagram<3 (also emixlea on twitter^^)

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5 conversations

  1. your outfits are soo cute!! :)


  2. It looks like you girls are having lots of fun! And isn't Liz Lisa all kinds of adorable? I totally would love to get some, I hope the sale comes soon!

    Thanks for sharing~

  3. looks like you guys are having an amazing time *____* you both look adorable! I can see why you are bombarded for photos! ^^ I always loved that feeling in Japan, and you can meet so many nice people <3

    & you guys look so so cute <3

  4. I've nominated you two for a Liebster Award! I hope you girls will participate so I can get to know you both a little better~ ♡



  5. Jennifer~Vickahh
    Thank you<3

    We are having a great time!x3
    It is way too cute, we are hooked!<3

    Thank you<3
    People here are so nice, it is amazing!

    Thank you for nominating us Usagi<3
    We will get to it soon^^,
