Yokohama pt.2

Like we mentioned in our last post we went to a field trip to Yokohama and after wards I, Emi, went with others to get something to eat and shop.
We went to a closeby mall and ate there(I got such a good steak!><)

There was this girl painting there, and when we where finished at the mall she had already finished her painting but I forgot to take a picture of it!!!! D:

A big tuna!!!!! D:
Everyone took a picture with itxD

Saw these cute statues!!!
So miss my dog and cats!><

There where a lot of desserts available there and one of them was this waffle, cream-crepe thing.....
It was so big!!! And expensive!

Then we walked by the tuna again, but this timeit was half empty!!!xD

So wanted this for my cats!!!! They would love me so much!<3

This one reminds me so much of one of my cat!
He is so cute when he is annoyed.

We had intended to go on the ferris wheel, but me and one other girl only wanted to shop.....and where looking for Liz Lisa......xD

On our way to another shopping mall we passed some street performer and a grand looking ship^^

Hakama from one of the malls we went to.
Me and one of the girl ended up dragging two other girls from shop to shop until they decided to leave....:s
But me and the other girl(Li) decided to go to Shibuya to go to Liz Lisa where she ended up buying a dress!><

Well that is all for now......^^*
Thanks for reading^^

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5 conversations

  1. Looks like you two having
    a great time!
    That tuna is big! It looks
    like it's covered in blanket

    Wow that crepe dessert thing
    is huge!


  2. Wow!!! A statue of dog is sooooo cute XD
    Plz access 2 my blog(*^^)

  3. Om My God, at first i don't recognize that you are twin sisters
    your blog is really nice and cute, i love it
    btw, would you mind to follow each other?
    let me know.. ;)

  4. You are so so so cute <3
    BTw, I followed you, If you want follow back<3

  5. Ice Pandora:
    We are having such a blast here, we just love it here<3
    haha~ it sure is bigx3 and probably so is that crepe, probablyx3

    I know, right!?! Too cute<3

    Amalia Aira:
    Thank you<3

    Thank you<3
