
Sorry gals, we have not had much time to blog lately, midterm exams are starting on Monday, and we were busy working on Wednesday and Thursday>.<

But please check out our give away!

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6 conversations

  1. Oh good luck on your midterm exams!

  2. Ahhhww man! I hope you two pass with fantastic gradesQ! Study harddd!

    Well, once you finish your exams or find some spare time inbetween...
    I tagged you two! I hope that no one beat me to it but, I tagged you for the 11 things tag! :D

    I made up some ridiculous questions and I'd love to find out what you would answer... XD
    Here is the link

    I really hope you will participate and ganbare for your midterms! <3

    1. We tried our best, thank you!
      Looking forward to answering your questions, than you for tagging us^^

