Emi&Lea's first giveaway!

 This is what you have to do to participate:
Go to Proopticals Page and find glasses that you like and post them in the comment section. ~3 entries
Blog about our giveaway and post a link to the entry in the comment section. ~ 3 entries
Publicly follow us on Google friend connect. ~ 3 entries

Optional, can be done for more entries:
Tweet about the giveaway. ~ 5 entries
Reblog our tumblr post about the giveaway, tell us who you are on tumblr in the comments section. ~ 5 entries.

Please only comment once with all the information that we asked you to provide us, along with your e-mail so we can contact you if you win, that makes things easier for everyone! ;P
And of course if you like Proopticals go over to their facebook page and like them! :)
Also, if you need strength in your glasses we will provide you with all the information that you will need.if you win.

The give away will end a month from now, on 17th March!^^
Here is a picture of the prizes!

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7 conversations

  1. Name/GFC: salla
    E-mail: salla.mikkonen@hotmail.com
    Blogpost: http://as-your-shadow-crosses-mine.blogspot.com/2012/02/koska-olen-tylsa-giveaways.html
    Tumblr post: http://sallapalla.tumblr.com/post/17779006343/emixlea-our-first-give-away-check-all-the
    Tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/only_salla/status/170604021307019264

  2. Nice Giveaway!
    GFC: Nana
    Email: withnanamail@gmail.com

    1. Ah, could you please include the information that we asked for?


  3. Yayy, giveaway :)
    Name: Elena
    email: busarka@gmail.com

    GFC: ☆レニャン☆
    Proopticals http://www.proopticals.com/Peggy-p-77870-cat-1680.html
    tumblr: http://bczya.tumblr.com/post/17814504199/emixlea-our-first-give-away-check-all-the
    Tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/bzzzya/status/170797200476078081

  4. aw,the prizes are so cute x3
    These are my enters:

    Proopticals: http://www.proopticals.com/Cassie-p-77826-cat-1680.html
    Tumblr: http://mulberrycheesecake.tumblr.com/post/17885013217/emixlea-our-first-give-away-check-all-the
    GFC: mulberrycheesecake

    e-mail: mulberrycheesecake@hotmail.com

    good luck for me,yay! p(*^-^*)q

  5. GFC: Cintya Halim
    Proopticals: http://www.proopticals.com/Peggy-p-77870-cat-1680.html
    Blog entry: http://ameblo.jp/cincincintya/entry-11187548653.
    Tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/cincincintya/status/178013118276964352
    Tumblr: http://cincincintya.tumblr.com/post/18993695183/emixlea-our-first-give-away-check-all-the

    Email: smileysmiles88(at)hotmail(dot)com

    Thank you~

  6. GFC: Natiiii
    Loving: http://www.proopticals.com/Bette-p-77822-cat-1680.html
    Blogged: http://temerilynmorroethallgatsz.tumblr.com/post/19016627256/loving-this-giveaway-at-emixlea
    Tweeted: https://twitter.com/#!/heysowhathey/status/178227192143167488
    Reblogged: http://temerilynmorroethallgatsz.tumblr.com/post/19016732401/emixlea-our-first-give-away-check-all-the

    Name: Nell
