Week 8; Me Then and Now

Oooops, skipped a week there!

I think that after releasing Volume 2 of Papillon I was kinda just having a bit of a burnout, so I took a break from blogging!

Also, I probably got a bit carried away when making Week 6 as these themes kinda inter-lap now that I spammed it so much with old photos. But I'm gonna show you my looks from when I began compared to what I look like today, so hopefully that will be interesting!!!










I cheated with 2019, but you got three pics there hehehehe
It's fun to collect images together like this for a glimpse of what my makeup looked through different years! 2016~18 I feel like I did mostly the same, but in 2019 I def experimented more with both eye shapes and colors! This year as well during quarantine I have had SO MUCH FUN experimenting with new colors, eye shapes, and eye lashes!!!
That's the only good thing about this whole quarantine situation, I've got PLENTY of time to play around with makeup! .... I need to get back into a regular routine thought and work soon T-T

Sooo... how did you like this post? Any look/year you're into more than others?

Don't forget to look at my previous post, but I did an Old School Onee look!
Emi also did a piece on Papillon's blog about Onee Gyaru so I recommend that you read that!


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