10 weeks of gyaru blogging

Who's up for a bit of a challenge?
Blogging has been quite dead, especially within the Gyaru community and even while I used to blog quite frequently I haven't really blogged much for some years now.
However, seems like everyone has more time now during the quarantine so why not take part in a fun challenge?
So, I thought I'd make this challenge of 10 blog posts you can do quite easily!!
There are not so many gals out there that still blog, so I'd love it if even you are just on insta then you could try it out there!!
Here are the themes for each week!
I want us to share what we love, while also sharing some love for the community so I hope you will enjoy these.
1. Favorite outfit/s
2. Everyday gyaru make (could do a tutorial!)
3. Favorite makeup products
4. Inspirations (gaijin/models)
5. Sharing the love (introduce at least 3 gals from the comm)
6. What made you start gyaru?
7. Try any oldschool gyaru makeup (can be the style you prefer, but go super oldschool on it and find some old pictures for it!)
8. You then and now
9. Interview another gaijin gyaru
10. Try a different style you usually don't go for
I'll be posting mine on Sundays, hoping to see from some other gals as well!
I hope we can have fun together making new content!