Week 6; What Made You Start Gyaru?

Week 6 is all about going back to your "origins"! Why am I gyaru?

Soooo... how does one remember something that happened 9+ years ago? ....well, it sure does help to have your own blog to look at hahahah

First official attempt nine years ago on our bday, hardly owned any makeup at the time and no lower lashes, I think I'm using some top lashes?

Go take a look at our first blog post if you want a good laugh hahahah

We had known about gyaru for about a year I think before we actually started trying it out for ourselves (it's kinda difficult for me to talk about this subject as just me, since I shared this with Emi hahaha).
IF I remember this all correctly we became more aware of gyaru after a facebook friend of ours (this is a funny coincidence but we loved Pet Society and would add all kinds of randos on facebook to play together with) was gyaru and while she lived in America she invited us to be a part of a gyarusa she was making, called Cherry Gal. They had a forum and we would post there a bit, but I don't think we were super active at that time, nor do I think we actually had started gyaru properly?
Honestly it's kinda a blur what came first, but I remember how exciting that was hahaha

We went to Japan August 2010, and while we knew of gyaru and places like Shibuya and 109, I don't think we knew any brands or models... but we sure did shop a lot of gyaru brands and even met Gehako (had NO idea who they were, but got to snap a photo of them and Ken!) as well as we shopped in stores like Coco Lulu, Blue Moon Blue and d.i.a!

First is taken in Japan, while second is taken after we started actively doing gyaru make! I still think that's a super cute outfit!!


Loooooved that d.i.a skirt!

I went and looked back on the first few months of blog posts to see how we did, and I gotta say I am a bit proud as we really did practice almost everyday and improved quite a lot!
I'm only including pictures from about the first half a year after we started doing gyaru!

I know that in terms of eyebrows, base makeup, contouring and hair we def needed some work at times... but damn I am still so proud of us!

But let's end it at that! If you want to see more then go check out Week Five or even jump to the first post to participate in the challenge too! I'm pretty excited for next weeks post so keep your eyes open for it!


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