Is Koakuma Ageha still our Bible?

So the Gyaru Bible is back...again? But is it worth hyping?
It makes me laugh, but I don't think we can take them seriously much longer if they want to continue on like that!

I've always loved Koakuma Ageha so when I saw their new instagram account announcing the comeback about a month ago I was super happy, but confused as there wasn't much info to be found besides release date as well as them doing auditions for models.

The models are mostly Nightlife workers and it's quite apparent with all the kyabajo dresses and the brand they feature in their "everyday outfits".

There are no makeup or hair tutorials, but this might be due to it being their "first" issue or that all of them have hairstylists to do their hair hahah

There are some cute girls in there for sure, but it is definitely lacking the elements that made Koakuma Ageha the Gyaru Bible back in the day.

These girls don't use false lashes, whether it's top or bottom ones and makeup is on the natural side
Ofcourse we have to keep in mind that the nightlife scene is probably not what it was when Koakuma Ageha first started in the sense that trends have changed and not as many gyaru are Kyabajo these days so it's impossible to expect Koakuma Ageha to stay a Gyaru Bible when they have always been a magazine for nightlife workers.

There's some feature about Burlesque in Tokyo as well as Osaka and then interviews with the models. None of them really stood out to me as they are mostly very typical Kyabajo's in the sense that they have close to natural make, no lashes and a chunk of them have done some plastic surgery making them look like most of the girls you would see around Kabukicho.

There are a few spreads on the models everyday wear, and while I do think there are some cute outfits in between it felt more like "look at my burando", which is definitely understandable seeing that they would be able to get these items easier than most. But makes their outfits a bit more unclaimable.

There's a cute homage to egg and nuts at the end which was fun to see, especially with nuts not beig printed it's nice to see the "cover" in an actual mag! Also, the egg gals look so adorable on that cover!!!

So would I get it again? Probably not.
Can we still look at Koakuma Ageha as being a Gyaru Bible? Not reeeaallly, just make sure to go with any magazine that still has Sakurina as it's apparent that she was the element they needed to keep the status of being a Gyaru magazine.
It's great that they're doing Koakuma Ageha again, but I do hope they get more models with a more of a "character" someone that stands out and brings something new to the mag since this kinda felt like a rather weak publication, there's just no sparkle!!!

Gyaru has somewhat of a different definition in Japan than what we say is Gyaru, often it suffices to have blond hair, long lashes and contacts for someone to be called Gyaru, so maybe they would be considered Gyaru by some? Gyaru or not, I think there's definitely a market for Koakuma Ageha in Japan so they might be around for a bit longer this time around!

I want to see their next volume though before I decide indefinitely whether I  like them or not, so I am crossing my fingers that their auditions will bring in more interesting gals!

I'm curious to know what you think though, do you see potential or is it forgettable?


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