Mojitos and crepes♡

Hi Gals!
Last Thursday and Saturday we went for work, yes we were working on Valentines...xD
But no worries as we did not mind it at all!
However on Wednesday we went shopping and they had strawberries on 50% off, good ones! So of course we decided to be the fatty chans that we are and buy stuff to make strawberry mojito's and Japanese Crepe~♡

Look from last Friday, we also did similar makeup for Saturday~ Went with full on makeup to work!!!xD Had about 100 people over at the hotel we work at for a Valentines dinner, it was hectic but a lot of fun! Oh! And those lenses are 7days Dali sponsored by Geeenie

Due to work and having to have to do stuff (I know so tragic), we had to wait until Sunday to actually make the crepes and mojito. So on Sunday morning we called our grandmother and invited her over for crepe party♡ We also of course made some strawberry mojito, but we have been told that we make really good mojitos! Although when we make it for ourselves it is non-alchoholic!
We had actually made these before but I found the recipe on an you tube channel.

That recipe is really good and then the cream is also the best! You mix together cream and sugar (The ratio is 100ml to 20gr) and when it has gotten a bit thinker you add vanilla extract! The cream in my opinion is one of the things that make a crepe a crepe! As it is THE.BEST.THING.EVER! xD

It actually took  me a really long time to make the crepes as I only had one pan suitable for them, and it was small and it was also high...making it harder to turn them, as I am definitely not good at flipping....Then I had to keep the heat at 4 as I would have burned them at it took a LOOOONG time....really need a pancake pan....><

Then on Monday we had some fruits leftover and cream~ so we made a fruit salad with cream! So good!!!! Then we of course also made another strawberry mojito and focused on finishing the first post in our 小悪魔Ageha series♡ But I think we will try to do more stuff like that in the future, both to bring more stuff to you gals and for practices sake!^^

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